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Please note that programs marked as Online may involve on-campus attendance.
Speak to the education provider for further information.

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Programs on this website are APAC accredited programs and are:

  • currently active and taking enrolments by the education provider,
  • in teach out and not taking any new enrolments, and
  • discontinued and therefore inactive.

Discontinued programs are listed for a period and then removed. If you are unable to locate a discontinued program on this page and to ascertain if a discontinued program was APAC accredited at a specific point in time, please contact the relevant higher education provider or complete the academic transcript check form.

Programs currently under assessment are not listed and will be added once the assessment is complete. APAC is unable to provide any further information on programs being assessed until the assessment process is complete.

More information about the programs listed on this website is on the accredited programs listing. Search options include the selection of single or multiple values within one criteria and across multiple criteria to further filter the results. To commence a new search ensure the clear button is used after each search. The search function is best viewed on larger screens.

More on accredited psychology programs

Program status
Currently active APAC accredited programs, recently discontinued and programs in teach out are listed on this website.
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Information for education providers

Program accreditation for Education providers ensures the quality of the psychology profession with a focus on public interest and safety.

Information for students

Information for students including pathways to registration as a psychologist, entry requirements for study as well as overseas qualifications assessment.
  • Video transcript