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Program monitoring

For education providers


Monitoring of compliance

Section 50 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009 (National Law) requires APAC to monitor programs of study approved by the Psychology Board of Australia to ensure the program and higher education provider (HEP) continue to meet the approved Accreditation Standards. To meet these requirements, APAC has developed both routine and targeted monitoring methods.

Monitoring of accredited programs of study occurs in many ways:

  • programs of study accredited with conditions are required to submit a progress report by dates specified by APAC
  • HEPs, except for those undergoing their cycle re-accreditation assessment that year, are required to submit an annual report by date specified each year outlining its programs’ ongoing compliance with the Accreditation Standards
  • material change, including, but not limited to, changes to a program’s curriculum, structure or delivery, staffing profile or governance and academic organisational unit structures.
  • change of an accredited program’s title
  • programs that are being taught out

Change of program title

To change the name of an existing APAC accredited program, please complete the change of program title form.

If the content of the new program of study differs in any respect, e.g., variation to course structure, unit and course content, learning outcomes and assessments or the program is now being offered online for the first time, please contact APAC as soon as possible for advice as an out of cycle initial accreditation review may be required.

Programs in teach out

Accredited psychology programs of study which are being taught out, should maintain APAC accreditation until all students have graduated from the program.

Education providers should submit a Notification of a program in teach out form for any new programs that are placed in teach out and a further notification is required to advise that the program no longer has any students remaining and can be discontinued.

When completing the form, it is important that all details and particulars of the program, including the remaining number of students and the expected teach out date, are included.

After a program has been placed in teach out, the program will remain accredited with or without conditions until their respective accreditation end date. Additionally, the program’s accreditation status will be reflected on the search for a program page.

Once there are no longer any students enrolled in the accredited program in teach out, the HEP must submit a new notification of program in teach out form advising that accreditation can now end.

If accreditation needs to be extended past the accreditation end date, an assessment will need to be included within the next cycle re-accreditation review, unless otherwise advised that there will be no students within the program beyond the end of the current accreditation period.

Should the accreditation of a program expire by virtue of a failure to re-apply for accreditation (or because APAC revokes its accreditation), there is a risk that any student subsequently completing the program of study may graduate with a qualification that is not accredited by APAC.

Material changes

Material changes are those that could impact on whether a program continues to meet the Accreditation Standards and could include, but are not limited to, areas such as changes to content, resourcing and learning outcomes.

It is important that a HEP reports any changes to APAC as they occur so that we may determine if the changes are material.

Depending on the type of change, a site visit may then be required to assess the programs continued compliance against the Accreditation Standards.

APAC considers the following program changes to be material and must be reported to APAC – normally by email in the first instance:

  • significant change to a HEP’s functioning or existing program
  • academic staffing
  • number and/or location of campuses
  • program delivery mode
  • structural and unit changes within programs

Audit assessment

As per Section 50 of the National Law, an audit assessment of a HEP’s accredited programs of study can be undertaken by APAC at any time. Where a HEP is selected for audit by APAC, advance notice of the assessment and any required site visit/s will be given.

An auditing process is also instigated for suspected breaches of the Accreditation Standards.

Meet one of our Assessors, who shares her insights into psychology education and into the assessment process that underpins program accreditation. Professor Elizabeth Jones is Head of the Department of Psychology at Monash University Malaysia and a veteran of many site visits. Liz is a member of our Accreditation Assessment Committee.

  • Video transcript