Pathways to registration
For students
Pathway options
Pathways to registration
Students interested in obtaining registration as a psychologist have two pathways to registration that they can choose to follow. The first step within the pathway typically starts with an APAC accredited three year undergraduate sequence, followed by the completion of a fourth year program of study. The pathways are shown in the figure above and explained in more detail on this page.
After completing the fourth year, there are two pathway options for a student to follow which leads to registration as a psychologist in Australia.
Registration pathways to becoming a psychologist
The Level 1 Foundational Competencies are broadly equivalent to the level of competence of a Bachelor degree which may be designed specifically for psychology or as a psychology sequence in a Bachelor degree for a different discipline. The Level 1 Foundational Competencies can also be used as a psychology sequence in a higher level psychology qualification (i.e. AQF 8 Graduate Diploma) intended as a bridge for students holding a qualification in another discipline.
If you have graduated from a program that is not APAC accredited, you may be eligible for entry into a 3-year bridging program (approximately 12-18 months in duration) which, on successful completion, you may be eligible to apply for entry to an APAC accredited fourth year program.
The Level 2 Pre-Professional Competencies are broadly equivalent to a Bachelor Honours degree and can be offered as either a stand-alone program or integrated with a lower or higher-level program. The Level 2 Pre-Professional Competencies can also be used as a psychology sequence in an equivalent Level 2 Graduate Diploma degree.
When offered as a stand-alone program, typically, these programs are one year in duration on a full-time study load.
Note: some education providers offer years 1-4 (packaged Level 1 and 2) in one program which is a four-year psychology sequence, or years 4-5 (packaged Level 2 and 3) in one program which is a two year psychology sequence.
5+1 pathway
Complete an APAC accredited Level 3 fifth year program of study as a provisionally registered psychologist, followed by a one-year internship of supervised practice and subsequently, pass the National Psychology Exam.
Please refer to the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) for further information on the 5+1 internship program.
Please note, students who are enrolled in the packaged Level 2 and 3 program will need to gain provisional registration at the end of the fourth year component of the program. Please refer to the PsyBA for further information regarding registration requirements.
Postgraduate professional psychology pathway
Complete an APAC accredited packaged Level 3 and 4 (fifth and sixth year of study) Masters, combined Masters/PhD or Doctorate program as a provisionally registered psychologist. Professional postgraduate programs are offered in nine Areas of Practice Endorsement (AoPE):
- Clinical Neuropsychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Community Psychology
- Counselling Psychology
- Educational and Developmental Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Organisational Psychology
- Sport and Exercise Psychology
After completion of an AoPE postgraduate program, a psychologist must also complete the PsyBA registrar program to be eligible for AoPE. Please contact the PsyBA for further information on the registrar program.
Level 4 Stand-alone programs for endorsement
Psychologists who hold general registration, including those who have completed an internship pathway, may be eligible for entry into a one-year Level 4 stand-alone program for AoPE. As with all programs for endorsement, psychologists must also complete the PsyBA registrar program to be eligible for the AoPE.
Psychologists who already hold general registration plus an AoPE and wish to gain another AoPE may be eligible for entry into a Level 4 Post-Masters bridging program, followed by the PsyBA registrar program.
The search for a program page lists all current APAC accredited programs of study. Please contact the relevant higher education provider directly for more information about its programs.
Please note that the PsyBA closed the 4+2 internship program to new applicants on 30 June 2022. Please refer to the PsyBA for further information regarding the retirement of the 4+2 internship program.
Registration Standards are defined and managed by the Psychology Board of Australia
All enquiries relating to internships, supervision, the area of practice endorsement registrar program and the National Psychology Exam should be directed to the PsyBA. For further information on careers and study pathways, please contact the Australian Psychological Society or the Australian Association of Psychologists.
All enquiries relating to internships, supervision, the area of practice endorsement registrar program and the National Psychology Exam should be directed to the PsyBA. For further information on careers and study pathways, please contact the Australian Psychological Society or the Australian Association of Psychologists.
More information for students
Frequently asked questions
How can I confirm if my program of study is APAC accredited?In the first instance, please visit the search for a program page to search for your program of study. If you are unable to locate your program of study within the list of accredited programs, there could be several reasons to consider:
- if you completed your program several years ago, it might not be offered anymore and may have been removed from the APAC website. Where a program is no longer offered, it will remain on the website for a period of time after the program is completely discontinued. If your program is not listed and to ascertain whether a program was accredited at a specific point in time, please refer to the request for an academic transcript check page.
- if the program is new, it may not have completed the accreditation assessment process yet. Programs are not listed on the APAC website until accreditation is granted. Please contact the education provider which offers the program directly to confirm where the program is in the accreditation assessment process.
- if your program does not appear on the APAC website and you are sure whether it is discontinued or a newly proposed program, you should contact the education provider who offers the program for further information.
Does APAC accredit individual units of study?APAC accredits programs as a whole and while APAC does not accredit individual units, it is important to note that the accredited sequence (the required units) must be completed to satisfy the requirements of the APAC accredited program. APAC recommends contacting the education provider directly for advice to ensure that you have met all requirements.
Are online programs also APAC accredited?All programs listed on this website are APAC accredited, whether they are online and/or on campus. The search for a program page contains all of the current APAC accredited programs of study, including programs that may be offered via an off-campus mode (either partially or fully). The programs offered via an online mode are indicated in the search results. Some online programs are offered fully online or in mixed mode and as such, APAC recommends you contact the education provider directly to enquire if there are any on campus requirements.
Does APAC have an education provider ranking system?As an accreditation authority, APAC does not have a ranking system in place, nor does it give any advice regarding which program of study or education provider is best. If you require further information, including which education provider you should apply to or about the individual education provider’s admission processes, it is recommended that you contact education providers directly and comparing its programs of study and other relevant services to make an informed decision.
Who can I contact for career advice?APAC’s remit extends only to the accreditation of programs of study offered by Australian Higher Education Providers at specific campuses. As such, students should contact the Australian Psychological Society or the Australian Association of Psychologists for more information and advice regarding employment and careers.
An opportunity for you to support the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) in its work to improve societal wellbeing through ensuring high-quality education and training in psychology.
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Here’s the agenda, updated as of 19 August. Sessions and times may be subject to change.
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Video transcript