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Accreditation standards, evidence guide and rules

For education providers


Accreditation standards

APAC uses the Accreditation Standards for Psychology Programs (Accreditation Standards) to assess undergraduate and postgraduate programs that form part of the pathway to registration as a psychologist in Australia. This ensures that those programs meet the relevant standards to produce competent graduates who are safe to practice.

The Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA) approved the current version of the Accreditation Standards which took effect on 1 January 2019.

There are five domains outlined within the Accreditation Standards which includes a statement that is supported by a set of criteria:

  1. Public safety
  2. Academic governance and quality assurance
  3. Program of study
  4. The student experience
  5. Assessment

APAC is reviewing and developing new Accreditation Standards to align with the new competencies for general registration as a psychologist in Australia and the Code of Conduct. The competencies will come into effect on 1 December 2025.

Evidence guide

The APAC evidence guide supplements the Accreditation Standards and the graduate competencies. The APAC evidence guide should be used in conjunction with these documents.

APAC has also produced an annexure to the APAC evidence guide: Standard 3 Program of study, criterion 3.8 (cultural responsiveness).

Rules for accreditation

The APAC rules for accreditation sets out the rules that apply to the accreditation process as detailed on the accreditation overview and process page and in accordance with Section 45 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act 2009.

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