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Governance  News

APAC plans ahead for next five years

2 minutes read • 27 March 2023
Governance  News

The APAC Board has adopted a new strategic plan to guide our work through to 2028 and to sharpen our focus on delivering high-quality outcomes for stakeholders.

The plan is built around four key values: integrity; professionalism; responsiveness; and respect. It focuses on five priority areas: governance; engagement; future-focused growth; accreditation and assessment; and business sustainability.

Board Chair, Adjunct Professor John Dunn, said the priorities reflected a combination of improving current capabilities and finding areas of growth for the company.

“We aim to improve our governance and business practices in order to ensure we have the resources and focus to deliver in full on our core activity, accreditation and assessment.

“But we also look forward to exploring the potential for new areas of activity in coming years that fit with our team’s broad skill set.”

The plan includes a newly defined vision for APAC, which reads: “To improve societal well-being through ensuring high-quality education and training in psychology.”

APAC’s purpose is now more clearly defined as to set, maintain and assess against standards for education and training in psychology.

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