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Accreditation  News

Accreditation: a big year with more to come

2 minutes read • 3 October 2022
Accreditation  News

It’s been a busy year for APAC and our stakeholders. Here’s a recap of progress so far and an indication of what is still to come.

So far this year, we have:

  • launched a sample curriculum and assessment mapping document and enhanced the resources available for education providers
  • conducted nine re-accreditation and one monitoring virtual site visits
  • completed six initial accreditation reviews, and accredited 16 additional program titles and additional campus requests
  • reviewed and assessed 10 material change notifications and 32 annual reports as part of the ongoing monitoring process
  • finalised and circulated the draft guidelines on cultural responsiveness for stakeholder feedback
  • updated the rules for accreditation to clarify process in several procedural instances
  • revised the Accreditation Assessment Committee (AAC) terms of reference and expanded our Assessor register to include qualified practitioners
  • reconnected face-to-face with AAC members (for the first time since February 2020), holding a meeting at our offices in Melbourne
  • initiated a review of the Evidence Guide
  • prepared the program of re-accreditation site visits for 2023
  • commenced the initial planning process for 2024 re-accreditation reviews.

In the last quarter, we look to round off the year by:

  • increasing our knowledge through the Indigenous Allied Health Australia’s culturally responsive training
  • analysing stakeholder feedback and finalising the guidance document on cultural responsiveness
  • undertaking our final monitoring visit site for the year
  • evaluating and enhancing our current processes as part of our team’s commitment to continuous improvement.

A massive shout out to the Accreditation team, our highly skilled Assessors, and expert members of the AAC and working groups, who continue to work tirelessly to contribute and advance the quality of our accreditation process and psychology education and training.

Nghi Robinson, Accreditation Manager

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