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Annual Report  Governance

Annual Report 2022-23: looking back, looking forward

2 minutes read • 28 November 2023
Annual Report  Governance

APAC has released its Annual Report 2022–23, a year which saw the organisation head back to tried and tested ways of working, with a safe and gradual return to face-to-face activity.

By the end of the year, the Board had met in real life, staff had returned to the office for part of the working week and our Assessors had carried out their first in-person site visit since 2019. 

It was also the year that saw APAC adopt a new Strategic Plan.

The document contains priorities that reflect a combination of improving current capabilities and finding areas of growth for the company.

APAC aims to improve governance and business practices to ensure it has the resources and focus to deliver in full on core activities of accreditation and assessment.

But the company also looks forward to exploring the potential for new areas of activity in coming years that fit with the team’s broad skill set.

Download the report here.

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