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Accreditation  News

Introducing our new risk-based approach

2 minutes read • 18 November 2024
Accreditation  News

As part of APAC’s 2024-2029 Strategic Plan, one of our priorities is to deliver risk-based accreditation services. At the end of 2023, the APAC Board approved a risk framework.

In 2024, APAC operationalised the framework by developing the risk-based methodology and guidelines for applying risk ratings for re-accreditation assessments. We have completed four risk pilots to test the methodology.

We are on track to implement the risk-based approach more broadly in 2025 so that this methodology is adopted for all re-accreditations and monitoring site visits in 2025. We plan to roll this out for the whole sector in 2026.

This does not alter the way in which higher education provider staff should approach a submission, site visit or rejoinder. It simply means that there will be an additional layer of assessment for risk on top of the normal accreditation assessment.

If conditions are imposed following the assessment, our Assessors and accreditation team will review the nature and likelihood of risks occurring. An overall rating will then be assigned and documented in the assessment report. The rating will not be shared with the public or other providers.

The risk rating is not intended to be punitive but informs providers of APAC’s level of concern and reflects the amount of monitoring that you could expect from APAC. It is a way in which all parties can better direct their resources, focusing on compliance shortfalls of greatest concern.

Additionally, it offers a lever with which providers can escalate compliance concerns internally. It also means that providers who meet all our Accreditation Standards will receive less oversight from APAC.

We’ve summarised the key messages in the animation below and in an FAQ document.

If you have any questions about the risk-based approach please contact the project lead, Anna To, at

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