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Governance  News

Meet our new Directors

2 minutes read • 22 January 2024
Governance  News

APAC is pleased to announce the addition of three highly regarded psychology academics to its Board of Directors.

They are Associate Professor Melissa Davis, Professor Gene Moyle and Associate Professor Kaye Frankcom. Their terms of office began in mid-January.

Adjunct Professor John Dunn, the APAC Chair, welcomed them.

“Melissa, Gene and Kaye will be an outstanding addition to the Board, with a wealth of experience that will complement the skills and knowledge of the current five Directors.

“They are the first Directors to be chosen under our new constitution, with an independent sub-committee reviewing potential candidates against a skills matrix.

“So we can be confident not only in their abilities but that they will augment the current strengths of the Board.”

Melissa Davis is an Associate Professor at Edith Cowan University and a registered clinical psychologist.

She has 23 years of experience as a psychology educator and substantial experience in accreditation through membership of the APAC Accreditation Committee and Australian Dietetics Council Accreditation Committee.

Gene Moyle is the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Programs and Partnerships) at the Queensland University of Technology.

A registered psychologist with endorsement in sport and exercise psychology, Gene’s background as a professional ballet dancer has seen her work in both private practice and with organisations across the elite sport, corporate and performing arts sectors.

Kaye Frankcom is an Associate Professor at Deakin University) and a highly accomplished businesswoman and leader in the health sector.

She is an endorsed clinical and counselling psychologist, consultant and business coach to psychologists, an in-demand speaker and trainer and has held national roles in psychology regulation and professional standards.

Read their full biographies on the About Us page.

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