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Education and training  News  Podcasts

The positives and perils of group work

33 minutes read • 16 July 2024
Education and training  News  Podcasts

This episode of Talking APAC, we’re talking about the challenges relating to teaching and assessing interpersonal skills and teamwork, often referred to as group work for short.

APAC’s Accreditation Standards, in the section relating to graduate competencies, say that graduates must be able to, “Demonstrate interpersonal skills and teamwork.”

That’s sometimes easier said than done. It’s a challenge for higher education providers and for students, too.

Professor Jonathan Mason throws some light on the question.

Jon is the Deputy Dean and co-director of the Centre for Health, Wellbeing and Disability at The Cairnmillar Institute in Naarm, or Melbourne. He’s also a member of APAC’s Accreditation Assessment Committee.

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