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Accreditation  Governance  News

Three new faces on the AAC

2 minutes read • 15 May 2023
Accreditation  Governance  News

Three psychology academics have joined APAC’s Accreditation Assessment Committee (AAC), having been appointed by the APAC Board in October.

They are Professor Linda Byrne, Emeritus Professor Tony Machin and Associate Professor Erin O’Connor.

Professor Byrne is the former Deputy Head of the School of Psychology at Deakin University. She will be commencing with Cairnmillar Institute as the Dean of Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy in June. Her research interests include clinical and cognitive neuropsychology; neuropsychiatric disorders (particularly schizophrenia, OCD and Parkinson’s disease); and models of working memory.

Emeritus Professor Machin has been with the University of Southern Queensland since 1992, including serving as Head of the School of Psychology and Counselling from 2013 to 2018. He is Chief Investigator on an ARC Discovery grant with Griffith University focusing on “Juggling priorities: How do tertiary students balance work and study?”.

Associate Professor O’Connor is at QUT in the School of Psychology and Counselling and is the Deputy Student Ombudsman. Her research fields include adult learning and decision-making; community program evaluation and participatory research; and health and consumer psychology.

Their term on the AAC began on 1 January 2023 and concludes on 31 December 2025.

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